21 Reminders Of Who You Are In Christ

Aaron's Message

Last Tuesday, Aaron Keyes spoke an incredibly powerful message over us at Overflow (check out his message here). He challenged us to get to know who we are. But the truth is, we will never truly know who we are, unless we know who God says we are!

In response to this challenge we’re giving you Twenty-One reminders of who you are in Christ. Walk in these truths today!

  • You are a child of God – John 1:12
  • You are a new creation – 2 Cor. 5:17
  • You are a saint – Eph. 1:1
  • You are a citizen of heaven – Phil. 3:20
  • You are the salt of the earth – Matt. 5:13
  • You are the light of the world – Matt. 5:14
  • You are the righteousness of God – 2 Cor. 5:21
  • You are forgiven – Col. 1:14
  • You are redeemed – Luke 1:68
  • You are loved – Eph. 5:2
  • You are reconciled to God – 2 Cor. 5:18
  • You are complete in Christ – Col. 2:10
  • You are God’s workmanship – Eph. 2:10
  • You are God’s coworker – 1 Cor. 3:9
  • You are God’s temple – 1 Cor. 3:16
  • You are co-heirs with Christ – Romans 8:17
  • You are a member of the body of Christ – 1 Cor. 12:27
  • You are a minister of reconciliation – 2 Cor. 5:18
  • You are Christ’s ambassador – 2 Cor. 5:20
  • You are Christ’s friend – John 15:15
  • You are God’s – 1 Cor. 6:20

“We find who we are by looking at the One who tells us who we are.” – Aaron Keyes.

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