Entries by Zack Hamby

NO Overflow Tonight!

The word is out… NO Overflow tonight! We will miss you guys, but we would rather you be safe! To make up for it, tonight at 7PM, we will be rebroadcasting a previous Overflow service right here: live.portcitychurch.org We will plan to meet again Tuesday, March 3 to end our current series, I Am Weak. […]

21 Reminders Of Who You Are In Christ

Last Tuesday, Aaron Keyes spoke an incredibly powerful message over us at Overflow (check out his message here). He challenged us to get to know who we are. But the truth is, we will never truly know who we are, unless we know who God says we are! In response to this challenge we’re giving […]

Overflow Spotlight- Whitty Stephens

Everyone welcome Whitty Stephens to the #OVFspotlight! Whitty is a senior at UNCW studying Finance and Accounting. But you might recognize him as one of our awesome Host Team members holding a door and greeting everyone to Overflow on a Tuesday night! “I always felt like I should get involved in church, but told myself I […]

Spring Small Group Connection TONIGHT!

Talking about Small Groups can be difficult… Joining one isn’t! Tonight at Overflow, you will have the opportunity to meet several of our Small Group Leaders and sign up for a Small Group! The Connection will take place right after the service. Can’t make it tonight or have to leave early? No problem! You can […]

Message From Dave Yearwood

“Will they accept me?” -Dave Yearwood It was so great to have Dave Yearwood share his heart with us at Overflow this week. We realize that the topic of sexual purity can be a difficult one. For a lot of us, thinking about our past can be painful or even shameful.  And the question that quickly rises […]

OCO Leader Retreat

Today we spent the day with our OCO Leadership Team dreaming and planning for this upcoming semester. We finished today feeling encouraged, challenged, and ready to start this semester off well. Mark your calendar for Monday, January 26th. This will be our first official OCO meeting of 2015! We would love for you to join […]

Welcome To The Overflow Spotlight!

Welcome to the #OVFspotlight where we will introduce and honor one of our incredible leaders, volunteers, or staff members! This is JJ Clark. JJ is not a new face to Overflow but he is the newest addition to the Overflow staff (as of July 2014)! We are excited to introduce you to our production/service coordinator! JJ and his […]

Welcome to the New Overflow Blog!

Hi there and welcome to the new Overflow website and blog! We are so excited to be able to connect with you in a whole new way. Our desire for the blog is to be a place where you can be vitally connected to Overflow. Here we will share messages of truth and hope, amazing […]

Night of Compassion

Night of Compassion – Doug Dworak w/Tiny Hands International This Tuesday night’s Overflow service was a pretty special one. We did a lot of things in a different way than we usually do them, not simply to be different, but to help us focus on just one thing…being people of compassion! We had the honor of hosting Doug […]

Overflow Spotlight- Sierra Barnes

Everyone welcome Sierra Barnes to the #OVFspotlight! Sierra is a graduate from Cape Fear & UNCW. While she was in school, she helped us start the Overflow Campus Org! As a post-grad, Sierra now serves on the Overflow Leadership Team. “I can vividly remember my first night at Overflow. I wanted to meet people right away […]