Overflow Fall Weekend 2016!

Fall Weekend is this Friday September 30 & Saturday October 1! *UPDATE* After prayer and consideration, we have decided to make this opportunity FREE for all students! BUT, we do need you to sign-up so we can have an accurate count for food! #OVFfallweekend will be a very intentional time for you to get to know other students better and to be encouraged in their walks with God. There will be food, fire pits, worship, teaching, coffee, community and a lot fun! If you love Overflow and would enjoy experiencing it in a smaller, more intimate environment…you’ll love this!

Here are a few quick details about Fall Weekend:


  • Friday, SEPT 30 // Registration starts at 5:30PM. Programing will go from 6PM – late night. Free Islands dinner is included! (We’re sending everyone home Friday night late to sleep in their own beds ’cause who wants to sleep on a church floor right?)
  • Saturday, OCT 1 // 9AM – 5PM. Free coffee, snacks, and lunch will be included!

Port City Community Church- Studio 3 Auditorium

All college aged students (18-25) are welcome! Invite your friends but make sure they register! : )

Feel free to bring your own Bible, journal, pen, and water bottle! Also, wear clothes where you can be comfortable and active.
That’s it!

Sign up here today!

Overflow Fall Weekend!

On November 6th & 7th, Overflow is hosting a gathering that we’re calling “Fall Weekend!” This will be a very intentional time for students to get to know other students better and to be encouraged in their walks with God. There will be food, fire pits, worship, teaching, coffee, community and a lot fun! The focus of this Overflow Weekend is “Life Together”, a look at true Christian community! If you love Overflow and would enjoy experiencing it in a smaller, more intimate environment…you’ll love this!

Here are a few quick details about Fall Weekend:

  • Begins on Friday, Nov. 6th at 6:00 PM
  • The cost for the weekend is $30
  • Taking place in Studio 3 at Port City Community Church
  • We’re sending everyone home Friday night late to sleep in their own beds (cause who wants to sleep on a church floor right?)
  • We will pick back up Saturday morning at 9:00 and wrap up by 5:00

Sign up here today!

Overflow Fall Retreat!

When: October 2-4

Where: Camp Kirkwood

How Much: $68

The first ever Overflow Fall Retreat is going to an amazing weekend to get away, to grow in community with others, and to grow individually in your walk with God! There will be worship, messages, small groups, food, fun, bonfires, and more! We’ll be sleeping in cabin bunks, eating meals in the in dining hall, and playing in the woods!

The retreat is being held at Camp Kirkwood, about 30 minutes up Interstate 40. Arrival time at the camp is between 4:00 and 6:00 on Friday, October 2nd and we’ll send you off by 12:00 on Sunday, October 4th. In order to make the price of the trip as cheap as possible, we have asked students to carpool to Camp Kirkwood. If you don’t have a car or would like to carpool, we can help you find a student to ride with! The deposit to secure your spot is $40. The total cost is only $68!

Sign Up Here Now!

Free College Lunch!

August 30th, we would love to have you join us for a FREE college lunch after our 11:00 service at PC3!
We’re going to enjoy a homemade Build-It-Yourself Taco Bar! You’ll have a chance to meet some of our great volunteers, staff, eat delicious food, and hear a little more about Overflow and Port City Church.

When: August 30th, 12:45pm
Where: Port City Church, Studio 3 Auditorium

All college students are invited, but you must sign-up to make sure we have enough food prepared!

Sign up here!

See you there!

-The Overflow Staff

FUSE Summer Camp Needs YOU!

Every year Port City’s high school and middle school ministries take a massive number of students to a summer camp known as FUSE!  This year they need YOU to help out. We have an awesome group already signed up and ready to go… but we need a few more of you to join us! This team will help put on the camp by helping setup for the week, serving meals, facilitating activities, and much more.

The dates for FUSE Work Crew are July 5-10. The cost of housing and food will be fully covered while at FUSE. If you are interested and available please fill out the form below so we can get you signed up ASAP!


Overflow Summer Bible Studies

Last week our Summer Bible Studies kicked-off with over 100 students joining 5 different co-ed groups to connect in community and engage with God’s Word over the summer! This week groups will be in week 2 of the study, but it’s not too late for you to take part!

If you would like to join an Overflow Bible Study, fill out this form and we will connect you to a group ASAP!

We hope that these Summer Bible Studies will encourage you and help you to read, understand, and live out the God’s Truth in your life! Come join us!

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Overflow Summer Sign-Up!

Overflow Summer is going to look different than ever before! We will have one Overflow Service on the last Tuesday of every month (May 26th, June 30th, and July 28th) before our Overflow Fall Kickoff on August 18th!

In between those dates, we will be hosting multiple summer activities (think beach days, game nights, summer bible studies, bonfires, etc.) and we want YOU to join in the fun!

One easy way to stay connected with us is through social media. We are also starting a summer sign-up list for students who want to receive occasional updates on Overflow Summer activities.

To sign up, give us your info here!

Leadership Journey Interest

The Overflow Leadership Journey is designed to equip and develop students into leaders ready to influence the world. Students accepted into the Journey meet on Sunday nights over the course of a school year to discuss leadership principles, learn from experience leaders, and discover more about themselves. Each student is paired with a mentor to walk alongside them through the process!

Hear what our students have to say about the Leadership Journey:

If you are interested in applying for the Overflow Leadership Journey, send us your info on this form!


Serve Day Recap!

Overflow’s first ever Serve Day was this past Saturday and it was a huge success!

From the Overflow Staff, we want to say THANK YOU for helping to make it all happen! In the end we had around 170 students serving our city with 9 different organizations at 11 different locations. Your commitment to serve really did make an impact on this city!

The goal of Serve Day wasn’t to just get you to serve one day, but to encourage, educate, and inspire you to serve every day! You can serve others right around you, and those just down the road. The organizations we served with on Saturday have plenty of opportunities for you to serve and would LOVE to have you back. Just check out their websites to find out more information.

We think Serve Day was awesome, but we’d really love to hear from you!

Click here to share your perspective on Serve Day! Tell us about your experience, what you learned from the opportunity and what difference it made in you!

Check out a few pictures of our students in action below:

image copy image_1 copy image_1 image_2 copy image_2 image_3image_3 copyPhoto Mar 28, 5 18 07 PMPhoto Mar 28, 5 18 15 PMPhoto Mar 28, 5 18 30 PMPhoto Mar 31, 4 48 29 PMPhoto Mar 31, 4 48 44 PMPhoto Mar 31, 4 48 59 PM


We love you all! Thanks again for all your help!

-The Overflow Staff

Overflow Serve Day- Sign Ups!

Serve Day projects need YOU!

We are only a few days away from Overflow’s first ever Serve Day! We are so excited to make a difference in this city that we call home. If you missed out on signing up for one of our #OVFserveday projects on Tuesday, it’s not too late!

Below is a list of all 11 serving opportunities that we get the chance to participate in this Saturday, March 28th! Once you are familiar with the different opportunities just click link at the bottom of the page to tell us that you want to serve with us.

A Safe Place – Distributing information on human trafficking awareness and help for victims of trafficking to businesses up Hwy 17. [9:00 AM – 3:00 PM]

Habitat for Humanity – Help dig the footings for a new Habitat home build! [7:45 AM – 3:00 PM]

Habitat ReStore – Help run the Habitat Restore by running the register, helping customers in the store, or sorting through stock. [FULL]

Harrelson Center – Work on needed maintenance and beautification of this center for local non-profit organizations. [9:00 AM – 3:00 PM]

Good Shepherd – Help put on a fundraiser for the organization to raise money to care for the homeless of our city. [FULL]

Nourish NC – Work in the warehouse for this non-profit that provides meals for hungry children in Wilmington. [FULL]

Saturday Meals – Bake cookies, serve a meal, and do crafts or games with kids who come for a needed meal. [FULL]

Meals on Wheels – Deliver meals and visit with elderly people in Wilmington who are unable to get out of their homes. [FULL]

Vigilant Hope – Work in an urban garden that produces food for those in need. [FULL]

Vigilant Hope – Serve breakfast to those in need of a meal in downtown Wilmington. [FULL]

WARM – Paint the exterior trim of a home in downtown for a family in need. [FULL]

Sign up to serve here!