“Have Heart”- Week 2

Have Heart: “Pride vs. Humility” – Zack Hamby

Your heart represents the core of who you are. It’s the place where you connect with God and deeply with others. The problem is that your heart is under constant attack. As followers of Jesus we are encouraged to, called to, even urged to guard our hearts. Why? Because when we allow our hearts to be captured by things other than God, all of our life will be captured too! This is no easy battle so it requires us to have heart!

“Have Heart”- Week 1

Have Heart: “The Heart At War” – Clay Everett

Your heart represents the core of who you are. It’s the place where you connect with God and deeply with others. The problem is that your heart is under constant attack. As followers of Jesus we are encouraged to, called to, even urged to guard our hearts. Why? Because when we allow our hearts to be captured by things other than God, all of our life will be captured too! This is no easy battle so it requires us to have heart!

“Parables of Jesus”- Week 4

Parables Of Jesus: “The Prodigal Son” – Brian Few

In this series – “Parables of Jesus” – we’re spending 4 weeks teaching on what Jesus taught through the stories that Jesus told. Jesus often used short, simple stories called parables to teach those around Him. It was through these stories that Jesus would not only teach a moral or spiritual lesson, but ultimately reveal and challenge people’s hearts!

“Parables of Jesus”- Week 3

Parables Of Jesus: “The Pharisee & Tax Collector” – Mark Foland

In this series – “Parables of Jesus” – we’re spending 4 weeks teaching on what Jesus taught through the stories that Jesus told. Jesus often used short, simple stories called parables to teach those around Him. It was through these stories that Jesus would not only teach a moral or spiritual lesson, but ultimately reveal and challenge people’s hearts!

“Parables of Jesus”- Week 2

Parables Of Jesus: “The Good Samaritan” – Joey Todd

In this series – “Parables of Jesus” – we’re spending 4 weeks teaching on what Jesus taught through the stories that Jesus told. Jesus often used short, simple stories called parables to teach those around Him. It was through these stories that Jesus would not only teach a moral or spiritual lesson, but ultimately reveal and challenge people’s hearts!

“Parables of Jesus”- Week 1

Parables Of Jesus: “The Soils” – Clay Everett

In this series – “Parables of Jesus” – we’re spending 4 weeks teaching on what Jesus taught through the stories that Jesus told. Jesus often used short, simple stories called parables to teach those around Him. It was through these stories that Jesus would not only teach a moral or spiritual lesson, but ultimately reveal and challenge people’s hearts!

Night of Communion

Night of Communion – Clay Everett

For the final service of the 2015 Fall Semester we celebrated in taking communion together! It was an awesome time to remember all that Jesus has done for us and to declare our dependence on Him still today!

Night of Baptism

Night of Baptism – Zack Hamby

In this very special service we celebrated in baptism with 3 of our students! As a public declaration of faith in Jesus and commitment to following Him, baptism is an important moment. But baptism also represents the work that God has done, to bring us from death to life. That’s something worth celebrating!

“Where Are You Now?”- Week 3

Where Are You Now?: “When We See God” – Mike Ashcraft

We often come to God when things start to go wrong in our lives, whether it be in our relationships, school, family, or work. But how we come to God determines our ability to see what He is doing. Too often we come desiring only His blessings, but God desires a different approach. God invites us to come to Him desiring a relationship with Him, to simply know Him better. It’s when we see God for who He is and what He is doing that we can trust Him, live freely, and give life to others!

“Where Are You Now?”- Week 2

Where Are You Now?: “In The In-Between” – Mike Ashcraft

We often think that the process of getting from where we are to where we want to be should be a smooth journey. However the reality is that the in between is often full of ups and downs, and how we respond in these moments determines how we perceive what’s happening around us. Trusting that God works just as much in our pain as our pleasures is key to understanding where you are, and what God might be doing in that place!

We would love to address any questions you might have (about pain and suffering in life) throughout the rest of this series. If you have questions you would like to share anonymously, please use the following link: