Easter Week- Day 3

Day Three Thumbnail        We created these daily readings for the week of Easter to help prepare our hearts to remember and celebrate the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus our Savior!  We encourage you to spend some time each day in these readings, not only reading them but processing their implications on your life and your love for God!

       This week you might notice that we are using palm branches in our Easter branding. This is because the crowds laid down palm branches before the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem that first Palm Sunday believing that “Hosanna in the Highest” had come. This week lay down our praises believing that Jesus is Hosanna- the One who saves! 

“Righteous Display” 

The cross not only reveals the weight of our sin, but displays the greatness of our God!

“God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement, through the shedding of his blood—to be received by faith. He did this to demonstrate his righteousness…” – Romans 3:25

      When we look at the cross of Jesus we clearly see the seriousness of our sin. We see that our sin demanded a payment and that Jesus became that payment for us, He became the atonement. But through the cross we also see something else…we see the righteousness of our God! Through the cross God is seen as being utterly righteous – holy and just – while at the same time making right – holy and justified – those who receive his free gift of salvation. The cross should lead us to both repentance and praise!

Read:  Romans 3
Day Three Account:  Matthew 21:23–26:5

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