
Overflow Serve Day- Sign Ups!

Serve Day projects need YOU!

We are only a few days away from Overflow’s first ever Serve Day! We are so excited to make a difference in this city that we call home. If you missed out on signing up for one of our #OVFserveday projects on Tuesday, it’s not too late!

Below is a list of all 11 serving opportunities that we get the chance to participate in this Saturday, March 28th! Once you are familiar with the different opportunities just click link at the bottom of the page to tell us that you want to serve with us.

A Safe Place – Distributing information on human trafficking awareness and help for victims of trafficking to businesses up Hwy 17. [9:00 AM – 3:00 PM]

Habitat for Humanity – Help dig the footings for a new Habitat home build! [7:45 AM – 3:00 PM]

Habitat ReStore – Help run the Habitat Restore by running the register, helping customers in the store, or sorting through stock. [FULL]

Harrelson Center – Work on needed maintenance and beautification of this center for local non-profit organizations. [9:00 AM – 3:00 PM]

Good Shepherd – Help put on a fundraiser for the organization to raise money to care for the homeless of our city. [FULL]

Nourish NC – Work in the warehouse for this non-profit that provides meals for hungry children in Wilmington. [FULL]

Saturday Meals – Bake cookies, serve a meal, and do crafts or games with kids who come for a needed meal. [FULL]

Meals on Wheels – Deliver meals and visit with elderly people in Wilmington who are unable to get out of their homes. [FULL]

Vigilant Hope – Work in an urban garden that produces food for those in need. [FULL]

Vigilant Hope – Serve breakfast to those in need of a meal in downtown Wilmington. [FULL]

WARM – Paint the exterior trim of a home in downtown for a family in need. [FULL]

Sign up to serve here!

Overflow Serve Day March 28!

Hey Overflow! We are so excited about our first EVER Serve Day coming up on Saturday, March 28th and we want you to come serve with us!

On that Saturday we will send you out to around a dozen different service projects scattered all around Wilmington. We are partnering with organizations like Good Shepherd, Habitat for Humanity, and Meals on Wheels (just to name a few) to serve our city  in a way that we hope will demonstrate God’s love in a very tangible way!

This will be a chance for you to put into practice what you learn from our current series “GO”. Serving isn’t just a one day event, but we hope this day will inspire and motivate you to serve others every day.

“God is ready to do an incredible work in and through us, we just have to be willing to take that first step to GO and serve.” – Zack Hamby

Sign up for a Serve Day project here!