T.R.U.E. FRIENDS- Part 3

“The One With The Three” – Clay Everett

       Nobody likes to be lonely, yet many of us find ourselves surrounded by people and at the same time feeling all alone. The truth is the opposite of loneliness isn’t knowing a lot of people, but rather being known by a few. Everyone doesn’t need to know everything about you, but someone does! The question is, who will that be? Who will you allow to know you deeper? Who will you ask to go further in your life as a T.R.U.E. friend who will walk with you- as you seek to walk with Jesus?


T.R.U.E. FRIENDS- Part 2

“The One Where Friendship Gets Difficult” – Clay Everett

        We all want good friends, but the reality is that if you have good friends, there will be times when those friendships get difficult! Inevitably a friend will hurt you. They will say something or do something that causes you to question your relationship altogether. The question isn’t “will difficulty come,” but “what will you do when it does?” For most of us, the only plan we have for difficult relationships is an exit plan. Thankfully, Jesus shows a better way that not only leads to restoration but to God’s kingdom coming!


T.R.U.E. FRIENDS- Part 1

“The One With The Perfect Friendship” – Clay Everett

        We all want friends- yet it seems like few of us have the friends we want! For some of us, that’s because we hold our friends to such a high standard that no one ever meets our expectations. We make friendship impossible when we expect our friends to be perfect! For others, we don’t have the friends we want, because we don’t have a vision for the friends we need. We settle in friendships when we have no vision beyond what the world tells us. But we believe that God has a better vision for friendships, a vision for T.R.U.E. friends!


Why Am I Here?

“Why Am I Here?” – Miles Fidell

        Why are you here? Your “why” will drive your life more than anything else! If that’s true, then that is a question worth answering. And it’s worth making sure that your “why” really matters!

For many of us, our “why” is one of three things. We are either living for control, for comfort, or completion. Living for these will never fill you, but there is one “why” that you were made for.


Your Will Be Done: As In Heaven

“Your Will Be Done: As In Heaven” – Clay Everett

    As followers of Jesus, our highest aim is to become more like Jesus! The question then is this: “is it obvious to others that we are Jesus followers simply by the way we live?” If we’re honest- the answer is often no. And yet Jesus calls us and invites us to partner with Him in His Kingdom coming. Here’s the truth: if His kingdom is going to come through us, then it’s got to start with us!


Your Kingdom Come: As In Heaven

“Your Kingdom Come” – Clay Everett

      Prayer is powerful! Yet prayer can often feel like duty, or dry, or disconnected from our lives. Thankfully, some of the most famous words of Jesus are Him teaching us to pray- in what we know as the Lord’s Prayer. In this short prayer Jesus invites us to learn from Him how to pray, and at the same time how to live life in the Kingdom of God- with Him as our King!


Praise & Thanksgiving- Night Of Worship 2020

“Praise & Thanksgiving”

This Tuesday, we ended our regular Fall Semester with a special Night of Worship.

The focus of the night was Praise & Thanksgiving, which might seem contrary to how we feel about 2020. But the reality is, in the midst of our troubles, in the midst of difficulty, in the midst of loss, in the midst of pain, we can still see God. When we can see how He has been working, how He has been good, how He has been faithful, how He has not failed us, we’ll have a much different story to tell about this year. We will have a better story!

While we don’t want to forget how difficult this year has been, we do want to remember that through it all, our God did not fail.


Your Purpose Revealed

“Your Purpose Revealed” – Mike Ashcraft

What is God’s plan for my life? Isn’t this the question we’re all asking? Or maybe you’re simply trying to figure out your own plan. Either way, we all desire to know what our future holds and how we’re going to get there. But our purpose isn’t something we find and then execute, it is revealed through faith, and it unfolds by faithfulness!


“From a Pit, to a Palace, to a Prison”

“From a Pit, to a Palace, to a Prison” – Clay Everett

 We all like being prepared for things- we just don’t always like having to prepare. Preparation takes work, it takes time, and while it may not always be easy, it’s almost always worth it! God knows the importance of preparation when it comes to your future. Through the story of Joseph, we see that even when it doesn’t make sense today, God can be trusted to prepare you for the purpose He has for you one day!


“A Year Of Adversity & A Day Like No Other”

“A Year Of Adversity & A Day Like No Other” – Carson Goslee

   This year of adversity has put our confidence and our courage to the test like very few seasons have! For many of us our plans, hopes, and dreams seem to be put on hold. We may even doubt God’s ability to see us through to the other side. But just like Joseph in the bottom of the pit, God was with him and God is with you! What He wants is for us to trust Him with our future and to trust Him with our present, no matter how bad it may be!